On Mon, 29 Dec 1997 22:21:03 EST, Daniel Martin wrote:

> > On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, David Stern wrote:
> > 
> > > essentially: What will it take to get a (any) search function for 
> > > debian-user? Or conversely, what is blocking a search function from 
> > > being implemented?  Or does a search function plan already exist? ..
> Although why one can't use the glimpse engine supposedly provided for
> this very purpose is beyond me - what's with the web-based search
> engine, huh?

What's with it is that it's not practical for the people who would need 
it most to set up glimpse (I think, that's on my to do list).

> I'd volunteer to set something like that up on my machine, except
> [..good reasons and interesting ideas snipped..]

Don't let this stop you from fulfilling priorities.

I also thought of setting up a local web based search engine.  On the 
one hand it's a really good idea because searches can be cpu intensive, 
and offloading this task might free the debian developers from 
distractractions which might result if the load became too severe.  On 
the other hand, it would probably take a permanent internet link to be 
feasible, and that's something neither of us have.

> Hmmm...
> Actually - I wouldn't really necessarily need a web-accessible copy of 
> the archives on my machine, since I could have a search engine just
> return links to the archives on debian.org...

The search I envision would index not merely the subject line, which if 
you've ever tried it is seldom worth the bother, but the body of the 
message. I'm unsure how the search index is updated, so I don't know if 
you'd need to keep all copies locally or not.

I'm a little surprised at the lack of support for a web based search 
utility.  A debian-user web search engine:
1.) Promotes Debian for personal and commercial users.
2.) Reuses existing support resources otherwise only used once.
3.) Saves time for both those who request and offer support.

David Stern


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