On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Àlex Maneu wrote:

> Do you know if there is any good word processor
> for Linux? (I mean like WordPerfect, or, at least,
> like windoze WordPad). If so, where can I find it?

You can buy a WordPerfect version for Linux. Applixware is a WYSIWYG word
processor that you can also buy (I don't know where to get either, maybe try
linuxmall.com or cheapbytes.com).

If you are looking to produce a typeset document, you might want to look
into the LyX frontend for LaTeX. This will generally produce better results
than word processors. Or if you are writing something that does _not_ need
to be typeset, you might want to keep it text: look into text editors, such
as Emacs and vi.

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