Bob Clark writes:
> I have two Debian boxes connected with a nullmodem cable.  The first unit
> is connected to my ISP using a modem and ppp.  I want the second box to
> use the first as a gateway.  sliplogin/slattach seems like what I want
> but I get the following when I run sliplogin:
> ...
> Any idea what's wrong or can anyone suggest a better way to connect these
> machines without ethernet cards?

Use ppp.  At each end, put this in /etc/ppp/ttyS0 (assuming you use ttyS0
at both ends):

bsdcomp 15,15
asyncmap 0
# The first ip below is the local ip, the second the remote.
# Thus they should be in opposite order on the two machines.
# Uncomment this only on the 'client' machine.

Start pppd on each end with 'pppd ttyS0'.  Everything will now work just as
if you had a pair of ethernet cards set up.
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