"Timothy M. Hospedales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just downloaded Netscape 4.04 and installed it via the .deb installer.
> When I start Netscape, it prints out about two pages of messages like:
> netscape: can't resolve symbol 'execute_java_constructor'
> The messages are all something about Java or JavaScript......
> Then, any time I go to a page with a Java applet, all my netscape
> windows just vanish.
> Does this happen to anyone else?  Any ideas how to fix it?

When I had problems with java in Navigator 4.03, the culprit was the
fact that I wasn't setting MOZILLA_HOME before launching netscape.
Try doing:
  MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape netscape &
from an xterm.  If this solves your problem, then you may want to
replace the file /usr/bin/X11/netscape (which at this point is a
symbolic link to the netscape executable, so rm the file before trying 
to edit it) with the following script: (this is what I do)
export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape $*

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