> Hi there.
> I've installed Netscape 4.04 by hand and i'm getting trouble running
> helper applications. The command that Netscape issue is something like
> sh ((foo /tmp/bar); rm /tmp/bar)& and if i run that command directly from
> the BASH command prompt it fails but if i do the same in tcsh it works.
> I don't know how netscape is getting the enviroment. It doesn't work even
> if i start Netscape from a tcsh command prompt.
> Any hints to fix it?

See the very recent thread on Netscape helper apps.  This is a
(well-known) bug in bash-2.00.  The easy way to fix this is to install
ash, and make it your /bin/sh, instead of bash.  The hard way to fix
it is to either downgrade bash to something before 2.00 or upgrade it
to 2.01.  (there is no bo package for any bash other than 2.00 - I
have compiled my own .deb package for bash-2.01, and offer it in the
recent thread on netscape helper apps and replacing bash.

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