I am preparing to install ghostscript and ghostview on my system.  
If anyone can help with the following questions I'd appreciate it.

        On my Deb 1.3.1 CD are available 

                gs v3.33-5
                gsfonts v.4.01-5
                zlib1 v.1.0.4-7   (already installed)
                libjpeg6a v.6a-4  (already installed)
                libpng1 v.0.89c-6 (already installed)

        On the web I discovered that the latest version of gs is 5.10.
The site offering the source code said I would also need the sources for
the jpeg, zlib and png libraries.  The version offered at the site is the 
same for the jpeg and zlib sources but is version 0.96 for the png library.

        Question:  Does anyone know if gs 5.10 will work with the libpng1
v.0.89c-6 already existing on my system ?

                Failing this, if I install the new version of png offered
at the ftp site, is it backward compatible, ie. will the new version
correctly service those programs on my system that currently use the
older version ?

        Question:  I see that ghostview is capable of rendering ps docs 
into graphics that can be sent to a non-ps printer.  What, therefore, do
I need a filter for ?

                If I do need a filter, which one, aps or magicfilter, is
better, and why (if there is an answer to why) ?

                Should I also look for newer versions of the filters on
the net if I am to install this newer version of gs ?

         thanks all,

        Gerald Crimp

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