Jameson Burt writes:
> ...there is the Debian way which gets at this file's contents through
> other files, in particular /etc/chatscripts/provider.

Actually, this is the pppd-2.3 way.

> ...
> My comments may refect my installed ppp package, version 2.3.1-6.

They do. They also apply only to Debian-unstable.  1.3 comes with pppd-2.2,
which uses a different set of config files and does not support the 'call'

> I altered his code to assure that pon starts no second pppd daemon and
> poff stops all pppd daemons.
> ...
> And essentially my poff is
>               /usr/bin/killall -q -TERM pppd chat
>               sleep 1
>               /usr/bin/killall -q -QUIT pppd chat

This will kill at most two pppd's.  You also don't need to kill the chat.
pppd kills its process group before exiting.

You might want to look at my improved poff.  It does what you want while
remaining backward-compatible.

> I would like to hear of another approach to viewing ppp connection speed.

You can use chat's report string faciliy to log the connect string reported
by the modem to a file.

> I feel debian needs much more documentation for the ppp user.  Running
> ppp is more complicate than running full-time ethernet, yet the ppp home
> user has much less experience than the ethernet user.

I agree.  I think dunc-2.3 would have saved you many of those hundreds of
hours. Too bad it is only available via email from me.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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