> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a browser with 128-bit encryption.  I need access to a
> site that requires 128-bit encryption (it detects 40 or 56-bit encryption
> and disables features on the site) and I'd hate to have to use win95.
> Does netscape plan to make Navigator or Communicator available with
> 128-bit encryption for linux?  Are there any other options?

I spoke to a friend at Netscape a few weeks ago about just that very
question, and he replied with something about a general lack of
attention to UN*X versions lately (he likes Linux...).  Linux receives
much less attention than IRIX or Solaris/SunOS, of course.

I thought I heard that caldera was supporting a linux version of some of
Netscape's products, including tech support.  Perhaps they are selling
the US version (which uses stronger encryption).

As for 128 bit, I assume you mean something like IDEA?  Or maybe
something like Triple DES, or RC5 with a 128 bit key?  I am not sure
what Navigator/Communicator use anymore... it's been a while.

Hope that helped a little, at least.


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