On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, John Spence wrote:

> > I like the list the way it is aswell! :)
> Yes, I do to.

<AOL mode>
me too
</AOL mode>

> Although I would dearly love to see a:
> "When is version 2 coming out"-list

"When is version 2 coming out" will not be announced in advance, I'm
afraid. At one point in time it will "have been released" and then
everybody will know about it.

> "How to move from libc5 to libc6"-list

There is a mini-HOWTO on this subject that is posted regularly to this
mailing list. I don't know the URL, but I am sure it can be found on the
WWW somewhere.

> Both lists could be answered by a bot that posted the usual reply.

I don't think it would work, since subscribing and unsubscribing to
mailinglists like that would be too much trouble if you can just lurk
debian-user for a while and get the answer. And you still would have to
post a message to debian-user regularly to let people know they exist.

> I do think that a lot of general Linux questions that aren't particularly
> Debian specific are posted here but that is only because in my opinion, 
> the quality of the answers provided is higher than can be found in
> newsgroups.

Yes, the Debian community is very fortunate to have such high-quality
mailing lists.

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