| On Tuesday, 13 January 98, at 12:14:19 PM
| Smorrill wrote about "Debian & Pgp question..."
> I have used Pgp for quite awhile with Win95, and thus have already made
> my secret key & id number, etc.  I would like to get pgp set up with
> Linux as I would like to move to using Debian exclusively.  Anybody out
> there familiar with this issue of how I would use my same 1028 bit key
> (created under Dos, MIT pgp...2.6.2) without having to revoke the
> existing key a create a new one?

Mount the drive that contains your pgp directory in windows.  In your home
directory, link .pgp to the win95 pgp directory.  On my machine, "ln -s
/dr_c/pgp ~/.pgp"


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