On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Neilen Marais wrote:

> >> Hi
> >> 
> >> I installed Staroffice 3.1 using the debian installer .deb's  All
> >> seemed to have gone fine, but when I run setup to do the per-user
> >setup
> >> bit, it coredumps... Also if I run swriter3, or any of the other
> >> binaries, it also tries to run the setup bit, which core-dumps of
> >> course, and then complains about the user setup not being done.
> >> 
> >> Running a Hamm system that is about a week old since the last
> >update.
> >
> >Quick hack to make it work
> >
> >rename /usr/X11R6/lib to /usr/X11R6/libx
> >run the staroffice setup
> >rename /usr/X11R6/libx to /usr/X11R6/lib
> Would there be anything wrong with just making a symbolic link?  And
> leaveing it there (in case there are any other hair-brained apps
> looking for a funny lib....

The problem is that the setup program is finding the xlib6g libs there,
which causes it a problem since it needs the regular xlib6 libs.  Renaming
the directory moves the xlib6g stuff completely out of ld.so's path.  This
will, of course, break running new X stuff until the directory is put
back, but it allows the setup program to find the correct libraries in

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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