On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

> Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >I've chased this one for a while. Martin Bialasinski tried to help via 
> > >private
> > >email, but neither of us could figure out what is wrong.
> >
> > >open("~/.Xauthority", O_RDONLY)         = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
> > >directory)
> > >access("~/.Xauthority", F_OK)           = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
> > >directory)
> >
> > The kernel does not know about "~/" as an abbreviation of the homedirectory,
> > that's why it fails. I think you have set some environment variable which
> > xauth uses to "~/" or similar instead of the full path to your 
> > homedirectory.
> > Check out the output of "set" and/or "printenv" to find out which variable.
> >
> To be more specific, it is the shell (bash, csh, whatever) which expands '~' 
> into
> the path for your home directory. You probably put this in your .bash_profile:
> XAUTHORITY="~/.Xauthority"

The solution is, of course:

(AFAIK, $HOME is already set when /etc/profile is run)

But this is the default location. I think it is better to not set the
variable at all if you don't have a good reason to set it.

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