In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>I wish to thank all the responces which I received on my Xauthority problem. I
>went looking for 'ssh' when I read it in the thread, but wasn't able to find
>it in any package (bo system). Of note, I use the default 'bash' shell and
>checked the variables (as suggested) :
>I chased this down to a 'declare' statement in the /etc/profile file. Should I
>change the location of the declaration to the ~/.bash_profile file? (and
>change it to 'XAUTHORITY=~$USER/.Xauthority') ?

Well, I don't have that in my /etc/profile, but it might not be a standard
/etc/profile. Bash in fact does do this correctly:

$ declare -x FOO=~miquels
$ echo "$FOO"

But some ways of quoting and/or using $USER might cause it not to work.
Without seeing the exact line from your /etc/profile we cannot see what
might be the problem.

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  awake all night wondering if there is a doG

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