> Þann 18-Jan-98 skrifar Timothy M. Hospedales:
> >     My MOZILLA_HOME as well as all the other directories NSN  must find as
> > described in the README are already set. :(.However, everyone who has 
> > replied
> > indicating success seems to be running full hamm. Mine is half bo, half 
> > hamm.
> > I suspect that the problem is rooted in the half bo, half hamm thing.....
> >     Does anyone run applets successfully in NSN4 under a dual libc5 & libc6
> > system?Thanks,
> > Timothy.
> > 

Well, I have netscape4 working just fine on my almost-all-bo system.
Here's what I did:
  Installed netscape with the netscape4 .deb installer, version
4.0-5.deb (This older version would run on bo; my assumption is that
the newer one's dependency on libc6 is not a big enough problem for
the maintainer to fuss with).
  Changed /usr/bin/X11/netscape from the symlink it was to the
following script:

export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape $*

  Installed bash 2.01 (which I built from the debian source) to fix
the oft-posted problem with helper apps.

My only guess is that perhaps your MOZILLA_HOME variable isn't being
exported.  To see if that's the problem, try doing 
If that works, then either use a script similar to the above to launch 
netscape or do an 'export MOZILLA_HOME' right after you set it.

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