> >   Can someone tell me where, in which package, I can find it?
> >
> >That should be /usr/sbin/update-rc.d, which should be in package dpkg.
> It should be, but it isn't. update-rc.d doesn't know about the new
> /etc/rcS.d/ directory yet.
> If you look in the sysvinit.postinst script, you'll see that "updatercd"
> is a shell function, defined just a few lines before it's used.
> Mike.
> -- 
>  Miquel van Smoorenburg |  The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  awake all night wondering if there is a doG

Oops. I feel silly now.. :)


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