Hi Cox : You wrote:

> Now that I hate MS and Bill Gates, I am looking at Linux :)
> It  is a new world for me.
> I have looked at debian and decieded to much learning curve.
> I currently have at home RH 4.? and RH 5.0 and Caldera Base.

I sympathize.  But every system new to a user/administrator is a pain in
the *** because "you expect things to be that way when they are this
way, and this way seems silly." 

The fact is the learning curve is the same for all Linux distributions. 
ALL the distributions look the same to the user, and are close for many
of the administrative tasks. 

As a NEWBIE, I distinctly recall having a bad case of new system agony.
Immerse yourself. It is like swimming in cold water. The quicker you
imerse your self, the faster it gets easy. 

For Debian specific information, look up the Debian web site,
www.debian.org. If yoiu need, you might try the Linux LDP on Sunsite. 
The website has a search engine.  The URL is: 


or by ftp, 


(there you'll have to look by hand. There is an index.). There are
documents there from Linux covering everything for a beginnner to an
experienced Unix person.

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