>    I was wondering if any of you have come across Netscape 3.04 exiting
>    with a Bus error. It is not a critical problem just every now and again
>    it decides to exit for me.

Happens here too, especially while I started into hamm, but seemed to get
better as I installed more hamm packages (still don't have all the latest 
stuff though).  For example, the java script at the four week archive at
(ok, I just tried it with js on and it worked, *shrug*)

likes to crash netscape on me.  Also, certain menu options like to
disappear (e.g. copy link location with the right mouse button just
disappeared).  It's a good incentive for a project like (dang it... 
browser crashed) mnemonic to mature:

Enough of my complaining.  Netscape gets the job done even if it's a
poorly designed, bloated, memory/color hog.


P.S. I hope everyone has looked at the latest from www.distributed.net.
They are working on the des project and are only expecting to take several
weeks on this one.

Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]          does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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