On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

> * Why does dpkg-ftp insist on downloading all of the packages that are
> selected?  In other words, why doesn't it download only those packages
> (among the ones selected for installation) that are not already
> installed?

I've never had a problem with dselect-ftp doing this to me.  Are you sure
all the packages haven't been upgraded (actually, they have).

> * I am able to successfully upgrade the list of available packages by
> choosing pasv FTP transfer.  But when I try to install the packages,
> dselect/dpkg says that it is trying to download each of the packages. 
> The download fails with a 'No such file or directory' for each of the
> packages.  What is the path I should be giving dpkg-ftp?  I tried
> /debian/unstable, /debian/hamm and a few others.  Is there are problem
> with symbolic links?

Please read the howto before destroying your machine (this is a promise,
not a warning).


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