See, the problem is I have a computer with no CD.  I have a network card and I 
am behind a corporate fire wall.  I can not get dselect to work  through my 
firewall so.... I thought if I set up a CD on a win95 box as shareable then I 
might get dselect to work that way.

But I don't have samba on this box,  I just have the basic install files.

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 1/21/98, at 2:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Cox wrote:
>> How do I get files off Win NT or 95 machines across my LAN.
>> I have TCP/IP running.
>Install samba and use smbclient to go to your share on the box.
>Or, compile the kernel with smb support and use smbmount to mount
>the remote share locally.
>                          Madness takes its toll...
>                          Please have exact change!
>** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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