On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, David Gaudine wrote:

> Are you sure you can't switch virtual consoles?  I have the same problem
> in all other respects.  I have to use ctrl-alt-f1 instead of alt-f1
> to switch virtual consoles since X is running, did you forget about that?
> My "power save" light comes on and my monitor shuts off until I switch
> to a virtual console.  The server output on the console is normal
> as you said.

This sound like you are mistreating your monitor. Newer monitors power
down when they are driven beyond specifications.

Check out what's in /etc/X11/XF86Config's settings for HSync and VSync. It
should not be more than your monitor can handle.

Also, you could back up the old config file and rerun XF86Config, which is
generally not a bad idea if the newer xfree86 is several versions newer
than the xfree86 you initially configured your system with. AFAIK The
newer versions try to optimize the refresh rate rather than screen



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