On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Serge Delorme wrote:

> I'm using debian 1.3.1 and I want to change the default font size
> of xterm but I can't find which file to edit.....
> I have look in /etc/Xresources, Xsession and the light did not came on.
> What is it?

The resource is XTerm*VT100*font and you might want to set it in
/etc/X11/Xresources or $HOME/.Xresources , like this:

XTerm*VT100*font: 8x16

If you use *VT100*font as the resource name, many more applications start
using this font as teir default. *font alone will probably mess up a whole
lot of applications. :-)

> I'm using afterstep if that is of interest.

No, that is not important.


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