> neither know what we need or want yet.  Is there any way that a list can
> be compiled to let us know what we need most out of this extensive list
> of files, so that we can get operational systems, and get used to the
> system?  After we get used to the system, we will better know what it is
> that we want to add or delete from the broad selection.  I am most eager

My personal opinion is that when installing you should be taken to a
screen which allows you some basic tick boxes:

[ ] Base                (the basic system)
[ ] Network             (PPP, mail and net utils)
[ ] X Windows           (X Windows and basic X utils)
[ ] Developer           (gcc and -dev packages, kernel source)
[ ] X Developer         (devel tools for X)
[ ] Servers/ISP         (apache, ftpd, cucipop, mgetty etc)


[ ] Full Customization! (ie. straight to dselect/deity)

The full list of tick boxes could be quite different (the above was
basically off the top of my head) but it would allow a new users to make
broad generalizations about what they want/need and to have a *painless*
initial installation (because all the dependencies could be nicely
pre-worked out.  It would also allow the more experienced of us to get a
box up with roughly what we wanted on it first try without having to fuss
around in dselect.


------------------------ Internet Alaska -------------------------
 4050 Lake Otis             Adam Shand        (v) +1 907 562 4638
 Anchorage, Alaska    Systems Administrator   (f) +1 907 562 1677
----------------- http://larry.earthlight.co.nz ------------------

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