>Never partition your harddisk using the 32Bit-Support from fdisk
>(Win95B). It's

What is buggy, the support from Linux for this "feature" or the "feature"
itsself ?

>Maybe most of you know this, but in an eMail in this list about

I don't...

>partitioning i read the same error-message i got after using a harddisk
>partitioned with this 'feature' of fdisk. I had to repartition and use
>backup of this disk. Total loss of data...

Where could I get more Information on this? I never heard of a BUG in the
32Bit-Support! I just partitioned my 1.6 GB -Disk with this "special
feature". I actually don't want to loose my data.. :-(

> Mac

This doesn't seem Debian-related but I'm interested anyway. :-)

Would be nice if someone could direct me to some info...


Fabian Knittel

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