Steve Hsieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> To anyone interested in this --
> The problem was not related to the kernel, but to ulimit.  
> /etc/login.defs has ULIMIT set to 1GB for some reason.   However, it is
> not clear to me why some accounts use this value, while other accounts
> ignore it.  In any case, if you comment out the ULIMIT line, all accounts
> no longer have the 1GB restriction and you can create files up to the real
> 2GB limit.

Aha!  Then this might be fixed in hamm:

On my machine running bo:
  $ ulimit

On my machine running hamm:
  $ ulimit

I ran out of space at 1GB on the bo machine, but I don't have space to
check this on the hamm machine.  Did anyone here run into a 1GB limit
on a hamm machine?

Kirk Hilliard

P.S.  There doesn't seem to be sufficient difference between
      /etc/login.defs on the two machines to account for this.

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