[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert D. Hilliard) writes:

>      The pppd man page mentions the <tty_name> option as requiring
> pppd to make a ppp connection using the specified device, but does not
> mention that pppd will then read the file /etc/ppp.  README.linux and
> the comments in the file /etc/ppp/options.ttyXX included with the
> distribution document this, but I think the manpage should cover it as
> well.

Really?  My pppd man page covers this - not as clearly as it might,
but it does say in the section on "options files" that pppd reads
/etc/ppp/options and ~/.ppprc before reading options on the command
line, and the "files" section says that /etc/ppp/options.ttyXX is read 
after the command line.

My ppp is from bo, version 2.2.0f-23.

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