Regarding "HELP: eth0 not recognized" of 16:25 +0900 1998-01-30, David
Iannucci wrote:
>I've got an ISA ethernet card that has E2000 printed on it, and
>so I've assumed it's an NE2000 compatible.  There's a paper
>note taped on the inside of the machine that says that the
>ethernet card is IRQ 7, and I've tried booting from LILO with
>"linux ether=7", but no go.  I've tried any number of ways, but
>to no avail.  When I boot under W95, however, the card works
>fine.  Although I know practically nothing about hardware, I
>was under the impression that NE2000 compatible cards were
>very common and should definitely be seen by the default kernel.

You probably need to specify the IO address also (as stated in another reply).

The "E2000" makes me suspect that the card is a cabletron card. The
following is from the Ethernet HOWTO:

  5.11.  Cabletron

  Donald writes: `Yes, another one of these companies that won't release
  its programming information. They waited for months before actually
  confirming that all their information was proprietary, deliberately
  wasting my time. Avoid their cards like the plague if you can.  Also
  note that some people have phoned Cabletron, and have been told things
  like `a D. Becker is working on a driver for linux' -- making it sound
  like I work for them. This is NOT the case.'

  If you feel like asking them why they don't want to release their low
  level programming info so that people can use their cards, write to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tell them that you are using Linux, and are
  disappointed that they don't support open systems. And no, the usual
  driver development kit they supply is useless. It is just a DOS object
  file that you are supposed to link against. Which you aren't allowed
  to even reverse engineer.

  5.11.1.  E10**, E10**-x, E20**, E20**-x

  Status -- Semi-Supported

  These are NEx000 almost-clones that are reported to work with the
  standard NEx000 drivers, thanks to a ctron-specific check during the
  probe. If there are any problems, they are unlikely to be fixed, as
  the programming information is unavailable.

Joel "Espy" Klecker     Debian GNU/Linux Developer    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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