On 5 Feb 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

> Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Sorry, but it doesn't.  I use Pine, with the smtp host as localhost.  Pine
> > comes back as saying it can't be delivered.  I believe this is because smail
> > is trying to resolve with dns, can't, and gives up.
> What version of smail do you use?
> If you use X, make your xterm as wide as possible, try again and tell us
> the exact errormessage smail gives you.

> Does
> mailx -s testmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> testmail
> ..
> work?

Yes, this does.

Pine: 3.96L-2

This is the error message I get:
[Mail not sent. Sending error: 450 defer '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', sender]

Let me state this again.  Sending mail on the cmd line will queue mail for
later delivery when not online.  However, if I am in Pine, it(Pine) attempts
to use the local smtp relay(localhost), and mail delivery fails(doesn't


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