I'm trying to set up lpr to print to a remote netware printer.
Following the instructions in /usr/doc/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO.gz
I added the following entry to /etc/printcap:


and created a script file /var/spool/lpd/nprint-jeremy (which is
executable) simply containing:

#! /bin/sh
/usr/bin/nprint -S novell_fs_1 -n -q JEREMY -

The nprint command works on its own, but when I try to print using
lpr an infinite loop results.  Messages appearing in /var/log/messages
are repeats of:

Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: restarting jeremy
Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: jeremy: lock: Bad file number
Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: jeremy: lock: Bad file number
Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: restarting jeremy
Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: jeremy: lock: Bad file number
Feb  5 12:40:57 e310-pc1 lpd[2854]: jeremy: lock: Bad file number

attaching strace to the appropriate pid (2854 here) shows that the
problem seems to be related to trying to open the file errsa02854
(name generated by mktemp from errsXXXXXX) which does not exist.

If instead of nprint in the script above I have something like
cat > /tmp/my_print_job
the file is generated, which suggests nothing fundamentally wrong
with my setup.

I am running bo (with some libc6 stuff), 2.0.30, libc5 5.4.38-1, lpr 5.9-20.

Any hints gratefully received!



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