Joakim Burman wrote:
  >Hello Debian-users!
  >Can someone help me with some "Newbie" questions.. 
  >1. When I try to install Xfree86 whith gzip I got (I think) an errormessage 
  >like "Broken Pipe". What does that mean? 

It probably means that gzip tried to pipe its output to a command that
never got started.  For example:

   $ ls -lR | rubbish
   bash: rubbish: command not found
   Broken pipe

  >2. How do you run "shell script"? In Howto:s for Xfree86 they say you want 
  >to run the shellscript first of all but I don«t now how to do 

If the script is executable, just type its pathname relative to the current
directory: `./' (if its in a directory on your search path, you can
just type its name); if it isn't executable you can do `. ./'
or else make it executable.

  >3. It don«t seems that I have the manual-klient "man". What packagename is 
  >that "manual-klient"?

    $ dpkg -S `type -p man`
    man-db: /usr/bin/man

So install man-db.

  >When I try to run with "startx" as root the message I get is:
  >"xinit: Can«t load library «/lib/« Incompatible version."
Where did you get this copy of Xfree86 from?  If you're using Debian, you 
should install xbase, the appropriate xserver-??? and a font package (which
dselect ought to suggest to you). It looks as though you are trying to
install a non-Debian version; this is not really a good idea.

  >In my /lib/ I only have
  >What«s wrong? is the aout format libc, which is out of date as far as the bo
(stable) distribution is concerned.  You appear to be running bo (??)

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    

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