Use of /dev/cua? may be deprecated, but I can't get scripts to work with
/dev/ttyS?, only /dev/cua?.  Can anone explain why?

For example, if you use the /usr/doc/ppp/examples/secure-card
expect script, it uses redirection to /dev/cua? to communicate with the

system "stty 19200 -echoe -echo raw < /dev/cua3 > /dev/cua3"

If you change this to ttyS3 it will work once, but not again until you
reboot.  But /dev/cua? always works...

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:

>      The device equivalent to /dev/cua1 is /dev/ttyS2.  (In linux,
> as in other unices, the serial device numbering starts at 0, so
> /dev/ttyS1 is the same serial port as COM2 in DOS.)
>      The use of the /dev/cua? devices is deprecated, I believe because of
> locking inconsistencies.
> Bob
> On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 Pete Poff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Supporters,
> >     I have the program minicom on my computer and I need to know how to
> > tell what the name of my modem is under the /dev or how I can find it.
> > The default that came with the program was something like /dev/cua1 but it
> > couldn't find that file name.  Also can any of you tell me where I can get
> > the pico editer program?
> --
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