On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Gregory B.Dickinson wrote:

> I am running 1.3.1 on a Compaq Deskpro 2000 5120.  I have 2 hard drives,
> pri master is 1.2gb, pri slave is 630mb.  The primary master is Linux
> 100%, except for a Boot Manager Partition.  The second drive is DOS 6.22,
> 1 big partition.  Whenever I attempt to mount the secondary drive under
> Linux (/dev/hdb) I get a message that there is not a valid MS-DOS
> filesystem on the drive, and about the only other message that I get that
> is easily decipherable is Transaction block size=512" or something to that
> effect.  
> 2.)  (the most obvious)  What am I doing wrong? 

I know, this question is stupid, but did you use /dev/hdb or /deb/hdb1,
because with /dev/hdb you will access the whole hard disk, and when you want
to mount a filesystem (DOS partition) you have to use /dev/hdb1.



- Daniel Gross                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
- Ingolstadt, Germany                                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
- "If Win95 is the answer, it must have been a real foolish question !" -

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