On Mon, Feb 16, 1998 at 05:13:16PM +0100, Pere Camps wrote:
>       Does anybody know of a good piece of BBS software for debian?
>       I'm looking for something like Remote Access for DOS.

Good luck, and let me know if you find anything. I've never been able
to find a BBS program for Linux that looks anything like any DOS
BBS program I would run. They all assume you only wish to chat.

Ugly solution: I'm running my RA 2.50/Bink 2.60/IMAIL 1.75/Squish 1.10
system under dosemu on Debian 1.3. With a fast enough processor
(Cyrix P166+) it goes okay. Lost serial interrupts is a big problem;
the dosemu serial code's author recommends BNU instead of X00
and that seems to help a lot. I also put my serial speed back to 38400,
I used to use 57600.

I just unplugged the hard drive from my DOS BBS machine and plugged
it into my Linux box, mounted all the drives, set up dosemu
to map them in as DOS drives and off it goes. Eventually I repartitioned
it so that all the DOS BBS files actually live on an ext2fs partition,
for speed & space saving reasons.

(3:632/[EMAIL PROTECTED] :-)

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