Daniel Martin writes:
> You may also want to ensure that the visible_name used is something other
> than "localhost", which is what it appears to be set to.  Unfortunately,
> the only way I've found to do that (without having a name registered with
> .dyn.ml.org)....

I've got a name, but my isp still bounces my mail if I use it, accusing me
of attempting to use them as a relay.

> ...is to rewrite /etc/smail/config each time ip-up is called.

I found that setting visible_name to my isp's domain works:


(my popmail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

> One of these days I'm just going to get fed up and write a mailer
> designed for dialup systems which need to rewrite headers on the way out
> and may well have no consistent name...

What does Win95 do?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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