On Sat, Feb 21, 1998 at 09:42:59AM -0500, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:
> MANPATH_MAP   /usr/local/qt/bin       /usr/local/qt/man
> to /etc/manpath.config is a better solution.


> To the list: does anyone know if manpath actually examines anything
> but the path?  The man page claims that it looks also at the current
> directory and the user's environment, but I don't see the effect.

The search in the current directory was removed in May 97 because it
wasn't so much usefull (you have different ways to get it) while had
very bad consequences on read only filesystems or nfs mounted.
I have now updated the manpage of manpath(1) .

The PATH scan still works, adding the man hierarchies that exists
*under* the dirs listed in PATH.

| LĂ­der Minimo del Pluto    -     Debian Developer & Happy Debian User
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