> Is there anything out there to stop people from port scanning my system ?
 > I had someone last night scan my system from port 1 to 50,000 !
 > I heard that there is a portscand out there somewhere, if so where ?

There is a nice little package called abacus-sentry that runs as a daemon
and watches for this type of stuff. Once it detects an "attack" it can
either auto drop route to the offender and /or add a ipfwadm firewall
rule. It works pretty good here and is very configurable as to what
actions it takes and what port ranges you want to watch for.

More information and its capabilities are available at

Bill West
Houston TX
Linux = The choice of a GNU generation
There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the
credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
                                              -Indira Gandhi-

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