[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Bradshaw) writes:

> David in another message you were suggesting I not use the "from " line.
> Do you know how to turn it off?  I haven't found any way to control
> this line -- smail seems to generate this line as Carey describes for
> sendmail.

(This isn't quite what you're asking, but just to clarify things.)

If you use normal mailbox files, your will get "From " lines in them.
This is one BSD-ish way of separating messages, and it just happens to
have the envelope sender in it.

The envelope sender is what smail or another MTA sends in the SMTP

 > 220 psyche ESMTP
 < HELO psyche
 > 250 psyche
 < MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            # Envelope sender
 > 250 ok
 < RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            # Envelope recipient
 > 250 ok
 > 354 go ahead
 < From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                # From can be different
 < Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        # Sender can be different
 < Subject: test
 < To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             # This is different
 < test
 < .
 > 250 ok
 > 221 psyche

I'm pretending I Bcc'd this to "carey", so the header doesn't contain
the envelope recipient.  If delivered directly, this message could
look something like the following, in [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mon Mar  2 19:14:40 1998
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (blah blah);
Subject: test



> Carey, is there a central configuration file for qmail.  I would like
> one file to translate internal names to external names instead of
> relying on the user to get things right with the MAILUSER? environment
> variable.  Right now it's only one or two users, but I would still
> prefer the configuration file in case I ever want to handle more people.

At one stage I was doing this in a Perl script as part of the
serialmail process.  You'd need to intercept all outgoing mail
somehow and rewrite it, then redeliver it.  It sounds a bit hard for

Alternatively, you could write a script for /etc/profile that looks up 
the correct addresses and outputs them, so that the shell includes
them as:

    eval "`get-qmail-addrs`"

where get-qmail-addrs prints, for example,

export MAILUSER=c.evans
export MAILHOST=clear.net.nz
export QMAILSUSER=c.evans
export QMAILSHOST=clear.net.nz

> Is qmail only available for hamm?  Any suggestions for building it on
> bo?

It should build for bo with no problems.

> Or even better, suggestions to get smail working properly?

I only used smail for a couple of days, so I can't suggest anything.

BTW, I see nothing wrong with the two example addresses you posted, as 
part of the header of an email.

         Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

          GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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