At 21:59 +0100 1998-03-02, Jonas Bofjall wrote:
>I tried to install the `hamm' distribution today on a fresh installation.
>Is that not possible yet? Anyway, I encountered the following problems
>during installation which might be of value to someone:
>* The disk partitioning program did not work. When I created a maximum
>  size partition it said it was 1 MB large. It also said that the previous
>  partition (which I deleted) was 1 MB (it was not). The disk is 500 MB.
>  I used the original `fdisk' program in another console and it worked.

Please file a bug against 'boot-floppies' regarding this. Be sure to
mention that 'cfdisk' is the program you're having trouble with.

>*  The `adduser' program doesn't work. When I specify a user name and
>   hit enter it responds with an error message that no user name was
>   specified, and asks me for user name again. I had to kill the script.

Hmm... that's odd. Is this when it is invoked after the system is initially
rebooted after the install of the base system? You probably should file a
bug against 'base' regarding this too.

>* Install by FTP did not work. It says "Perl 5.002 required--this is
>  only version 5.00404" ... "stopped /usr/lib/perl5/ line 3"
>  ... "BEGIN failed"..." line 14" ... "exit status 2".
>  NFS seems to work though (tried

The base system is missing some packages that dpkg-ftp needs (data-dumper
and libnet-perl, IIRC). A bug has been filed against base regarding this.

>* Gives me some error messages about "broken pipe" when I have specified
>  the NFS server and directory, but I don't think they are serious
>  because installation continues.

Probably just a transient network error of some sort.

>* There are very strange dependencies. "libc5 depends on libc6
>  (>=2.0.4-1)" and "libc6 conflicts with libc5 (<<5.4.33-7)". Does this
>  mean that it's impossible to install libc5?

No. It means libc5 depends on libc6[1] greater than or equal to version
2.0.4-1, and libc6 conflicts with libc5[2] less than version 5.4.33-7.

[1] This dependencany is because of the specially modified versions of
library routines that read/write utmp, the normal libc5 functions for this
are incompatible with the libc6 ones, so the hamm libc5 actually calls the
libc6 functions for those calls.

[2] This conflict is because prior versions installed in /lib (in hamm,
libc5 libraries go in /lib/libc5-compat and/or /usr/lib/libc5-compat so
libc5 and libc6 versions of libraries can coexist on the same system).

Joel "Espy" Klecker    Debian GNU/Linux Developer    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<>                               <>
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