On Thu, Mar 05, 1998 at 12:01:59PM +1059, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> If you can do it, i would suggest that you put the gateway/firewall on a
> separate box. scrounge up an old 386 or 486 (running debian, of course)
> if you have to.

Craig, I have given this some thought. I did not yet read the relevant
documentation, but I'll try to summarize a bit what was suggested by you and
the other.

The hardware list is now complete, thank you all for helping out. I think,
the following would do a good work:

machine 1) gateway/firewall
spare machine, notably one ISDN card, one ethernet card.

Software: ipppd (will call automagically)
          all outer services (if any, like anonymous ftp, apache)
                (I'm not sure about this, because of security)

machine 2) file and print server
          medium processor, lot of ram, lot of diskspace,
          medium graphic card, backup device
          one or more ethernet cards
Software: Network server software (samba, mars whatever)
          backup software
          IP masquerading

machine 3) workstation
          good graphic card, enough ram, diskspace for software,
          one ethernet card
Software: xdm, secure login
          quake and co ;)

All machines running debian 2.0

Probably it would be better to have another machine just for backup (with
afbackup) in some completely different room.

If someone wants to comment on this, I would appreciate it.

> It's not a performance issue - a well configured debian box can easily
> handle all of those tasks - it's a security issue. the fewer services
> running on your firewall, the less likely it is that a newly discovered
> security hole can be exploited.

This leads to the question if outer services should run inside the network
or on the gateway/firewall.

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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