You need an Xserver package for nt/95.  I use Exceed from Hummingbird
Communications LTD.  I have heard that there are some free ones floating
around, but I don't know about an nt version.  There are lots of commercial
packages to choose from but the ones I know about are expensive.

You need to install all the x client things you want on debian (xbase,...) but
skip the x server.  You may also be able to skip the fonts if your nt x-server
has its own.


From:   Erik van der Meulen[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thursday, March 05, 1998 10:38 AM
To:     ''
Cc:     The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:        Running just an X-server

I have a small Debian box running as a server in a small network (NT/95).
Until now I have done all configuration using a terminal session from the
client to the server (which does not have a monitor). I would like to be
able access my server with an x-client. All x-servers on the list seem to be
dedicated to some graphical device. Is there a minimal installation I could
perform which would allow me to have only the daemon on the server and the
graphical stuff on the client?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated,

Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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  p: 020 503 3000 / f: 020 503 3010

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