Hi all! My brother has recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on his machine, but it is
not useful to him until I can install and configure some of the software he
wants. I've already done some of that, by coordinating times with him to do this

He's been trying to dial-in in the morning and connect, then email his dynamic
IP to me so I can telnet in and do some stuff while we are at work (yes I have
some slack minutes while compiling). But by the time I get to it, it has
disconnected, I suspect due to a timeout. (When he is FTPing etc. under Windows
it will stay connected overnight, and we've gone for hours under Linux while
actively using the connection.)

I don't have PPP myself, so I thought I'd ask this question before re-inventing
the wheel: is there a setting to make PPP keep the connection from timing out? A
ping to the gateway every 10mins or so should do the trick.

Or, do I have to set up a cron job to accomplish that task? (That is how I would
implement it).

Has anyone else solved this problem? Any suggestions? He doesn't want to have it
connected all the time, but just doesn't want it to disconnect while waiting for
me to log in and do stuff.


SEGV  -  http://www.cgocable.net/~mlepage/

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