
The following was posted to this group by a
         George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is not exactly a debian topic but it is something to do with the
Linux community that concerns me.  My Significant Other today received a
giant spam from Linux Mall that can best be described as a website via

She has never posted to a Linux newsgroup or mailing list and wants to
know why she is getting spam from the Linux community. I took a look at it
and it is a few pages of ads with html links to different web pages for
products.  Reminds me of Sanford Wallace's work.

I once got a spam from these people after posting in a general linux
newsgroup and vowed never to view their site.  TIme passed, I got no more
spam, so I started using it.  Never again.  They are now sending linux
spam to people who do not even use linux.

Since Linux users and the community in general tend to be heavier users of
the net and usually understand the administrative headaches that come with
unsolicited advertizing by email, I would like to ask others to join me in
calling Linux Mall on the carpet in this instance and explain just exactly
why they have chose such a rude and inconsiderate method of advertizing
their offerings.

I would hope that other Debian users might join me in avoiding Linux Mall
and any of their product offerings. It appears that they have simply
subscribed people to a mailing list without permission or request and
require you to unsubscribe in order to stop the ads.

I am ashamed to have Linux Mall associate itself with the Linux community.

The Linuxmall sent him the following reply:

 I found the above in my postmaster file .   What is your
"Significant Other" email address and we will see to it
that it is removed from out list.   We do not use usenet
groups or any other email list other then those who subscribe
to them as we do not want to send email to those that do
not want it.   We have had some people who have sign up
for our announcement list using other people's email address.

We are more then happy to work with you on this matter.

For the record any of our great customers who do not
want to be on our email list can be removed with no
problem.  We DO NOT want to send email to anyone who
does not want it.   Only those customers who have sign
on at our website at or
sign up for Linux News or phone us get on this list.

For the record

             George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

has not replied to our inquiry to remove the his
"Significant Other" from our list.

We at LinuxMall thank our wonderful customers
for there great support.

Thank You


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