On Fri, Mar 20, 1998 at 06:01:56PM -0800, Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella wrote:
> Alexander List writes:
> > Hi,
> > did you yourself try this? I installed a minimal Win95 on my C partition
> > and used the dosemu.conf mentioned. After disabling the mode con codepage
> > prepare stuff in autoexec.bat, Windows starts and then tells me
> > (in German), "You can now turn off your computer." 
> As I worte earlier today, this is exactly what happened to me.

A sloppy "me, too" will tell you everything.
> Let's analise this situation. I'm not making any judgement,
> please. I'm just exploring all the possibilities. "him" is the guy who
> has that pages:
> 1) It works for him
> 1.A) works in his configuration of hardware and not mine
>      Hard to be. He said three different computers...

He said even a DEC ALPHA would do it! Does somebody know if dosemu emulates
intel instructions? (shall I jump directly to point 2 ?) Does dosemu work on
other platforms? Lets look at the announcement:

The DOSEMU team is proud to announce DOSEMU 0.66.7, the PC Emulator for
x86 based *nix."

Hehe, this guy made a mistake. Sorry people.

> 1.B) works in his configuration of software and not mine
> 1.B.i) his dosemu works but mine does not
> 1.B.i.a) his version of dosemu woks and mine not
>          it's hard that since his version till mine dosemu had been
>          made worse, but it would be interesting if a bug in that
>          particular version would make it possible to run Win95
>          :^>. Do you have a system where you can you test that
>          particular version of DosEmu? Is is possible to find this
>          version on the net?

I have exactly the version he tells flying around on a OpenLinux Lite 1.1 in
rpm and source-rpm format. I can send it to anyone who wants to try it. Tell
me if it works for you :P

> 1.B.i.b) his dosemu.conf woks and mine not
>          hard to be. I checked about everything (I did not actually
>          use his. I changed mine).

I used his (only changed bootA) and tried mine. Didn't help.
> 1.B.ii) other OS components in his computers make it work, and mine do
> not have the right components
>          well, my system is a hamm... things should work ok... And
>          they do!
> 1.C) works in his Windows and not mine
>      it could even be that he has a version of windows that allows him
>      to do it. Microsoft could even have realized that Win 95 could
>      run inside an DPMI emulated system and put some nasty calls to be
>      sure it would not happen. Another thing: he might be using the
>      portuguese version... and that could be different.

Yeah. Has anyone the portugese version? I think Microsoft put the dosemu on
DEC Alpha compatibility switch in it ;)

> 2) It doesn't work for him
> 2.A) he is mistaken
>      naaaaaaaaaa....

Hey, I know it: He pressed (unfortunately) Alt+F7 and found himself in
fvwm95. This can happen very easily :)
> 2.B) he is lying
>      To lie is a bad thing, but people do it. Things that make me
>      particularly suspicious in this case are:
>      - when one of these things happen in a linux community, everybody
>        gets to know about it. And so many people are involved in the
>        dosemu project that it's hard to beleive this would be
>        concealed for so long (look at the version of DosEmu he uses:
>        it's old...).

A conspiration! ;)

>      - in his dosemu.conf it is said bootA !

Yeah, that's a funny thing I noticed, too.

>      - he never bothered translating the page

Perhaps it was only for his friends.

>      - windows, AFAIK, needs ring 0, and dosemu does not do ring 0. Period.

As I said. Another point:
       - dosemu does only run on x86 plattforms. Not on DEC ALPHA (hi guys
         from the alpha porting front!)

> Well, anyway I hope someone implements a ring 0 emulation inside
> dosemu. Shouldn't be that hard: whenever the program asks to go to
> ring 0, DosEmu would intervent (which he already does), and enter in
> an emulater mode - sort of a JIT compiler, much like what java JIT
> compilers do. When the programs gets out of ring 0, dosemu would go
> back to normal.

Okay, let's hope for this.

> And, of course: if you get to run Windows 95 inside dosemu, tell to
> the world!

No, don't tell it. Proof it. *Show* it.

I think the boy made a funny joke. I wondered about DEC from the first
moment on, but I wasn't sure (heck, I don't speak portugese).

I too wasted my time on this. Let's all fdisk the windows partition away
again and return to normal day of life.

And don't delete the 200 MB swap. You will need it for Dosemu0.95.1 ;)

I only believed him because he put up a lot of web pages for it. Gosh, some
people have too much time...

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