On Mar 23, Jameson Burt wrote:

> Harald Koenig of XFree86  solved my problem with 3 X-servers under xdm.
> Here is his reply, annotated.

thanks for your comments!

> Here are some alterations on Mr. Koenig's recommendations
> that improve Mr. Koenig's solution for the Linux arena.
> 1. Change the order of the X-servers in /etc/X11/xdm/Xserver to
>        :2 local /usr/local/bin/X vt9 :2
>        :1 local /usr/local/bin/X vt8 :1
>        :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 :0
>    Surprisingly, with this change, :0 STARTS FIRST.
>    Otherwise, in the first few seconds of xdm, 
>    I notice only the :2 server running,
>    which causes large delays when we run a "sleep" command first for :2 and 
> :1.
>    With but a 2 second delay in the :1 and a 4 second delay in :2 ;
>    visually, all X-servers appear to start simultaneously.
>    The final server I see is :2, which I usually toggle to F7 
>    for the :0 DISPLAY.

then, what about delaying :0 more than :1 and :2, so that finally 
:0 will be active ?!

> 2. Use a common /usr/local/bin/X with the following lines
>      #!/bin/bash
>      process=$(/bin/ps -auxw     |/bin/egrep "/usr/X11R6/bin/X $1"  \
>           |/bin/egrep -v grep)       #later signal interrupts needn't sleep.

this will avoid the 2nd `|/bin/egrep -v grep' :

        process=$(/bin/ps -auxw     |/bin/egrep "/usr/X11R6/bin/X[ ]$1")

but I think this isn't necessary at all:  if a server on `:n' is already running
and you try to start another server for the same display number, you'd 

        Fatal server error:
        Server is already active for display 0
                If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
                and start again.

and it won't start.  so this can't happen (or at least it wouldn't matter
if you delay that error for 2 seconds;)

>      exec /usr/X11R6/bin/X $1 $2     #Here, $1 may be vt8, $2 may be :1

I'd use
        exec /usr/X11R6/bin/X "$@"

since you never know which other options you'd like to add in xdm/Xservers...

>    [Running adrift:]
>    One day I couldn't understand how my 4-year old started "arithmetic",
>    then I realized that in Linux she learned to spell "arithmetic" so she 
> could
>    play it.
>    If a 4 year old can use Linux, then installed Linux is either user 
>    friendly, or else many people work on "user-friendly-operating-systems"
>    with computer skills less than that of a four year old.


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