On Mon, Mar 23, 1998 at 09:38:53AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Bill Leach wrote:
> : I think that it is mostly historical (just about every Unix system since
> : about 1970 has had 'more').
> : 
> : There are some other reasons that are now at least mostly not
> : applicable.  For example, 'more' will work on a printing terminal but I
> : believe that 'less' will not.  There might be other VDTs that can not
> : use 'less'.  Another 'problem' that surely would be rare anymore is that
> : 'less' will use a great deal more memory than 'more' for large files.
> : 
> : Take a look at 'zless' too.  This nifty pager displays gzipped files
> : too.
> Better yet, use ``lesspipe''.  It's a shell script included in the
> latest ``less'' package ... you set it up like so ... (for bash/ksh
> anyway)
> eval $(lesspipe)
> Put this line in your .profile or /etc/profile.
> Now you can use ``less'' on anything ...
> There is no manpage for lesspipe, but it's mentioned in the `less''
> manpage.

Try man lesskey.  Here's my .lesskey file:

  # $Header: /home/lee/RCS/.lesskey,v 1.1 1998/03/15 23:01:59 lee Exp $

  LESS     = -is
  LESSOPEN = |~/.lesspipe.sh %s

Then you don't need the eval, and ANY version of less you use will read
the configuration file.

You already have a lesspipe script, so I didn't include mine.

Lee Bradshaw                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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