On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Damon Muller wrote:

> This isn't specificically a Debian question, but I'm hoping that the
> combined knowledge locked up in this group might be able to point me in the
> right direction...
> I've recently acquired myself a little old laptop, which, with help from
> the group, is now loaded up and chugging along with Debian installed on it.
> This year I'm also doing my Masters, and so I'm going to have to be keeping
> track of a whole lot of literature and ideas and things like that. I've
> decided that my brain isn't up to the task, so I might need a bit of
> software help :)
> What I'm basically looking for is something along the lines of a freeform
> text database that will run under Linux (prefereable GPL'd or Freeware).
> Another possibility is DOSEMU, but native linux would be the prefered choice.
> Something which I can just use as a searchable cardfile or something like
> that would be good, but I have yet to find something like that that'll work
> under linux. I have got edb, which is a database that runs under emacs, but
> i'm not yet sure if that's really what I'm after. Also do know if I can be
> bothered working out how to create a new database (am I the only one who
> can't remember a million M-x emacs commands?).
> Surely there must be something like this around? I can't be the only linux
> user who has ever thought something like this would be A Good Thing. Any
> advice, tips, pointers, or anything like that would be greatly appreciated!

How much "documents" or "records" should you database hold ?? If it't only a
few, I would use simple text files (eventually with mail-like headers) and
search them with grep. Or built a small Tcl/Tk + perl frontend for it. If
you like to have binary files in your database, you could code them with

I know this isn't a real database. But you can use it, if you will not have
much documents in it. Have fun with it.



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