I want to take this time to make a broader announcement than I usually do
when I release a new version of a package.

ae has been in a big mess since the move to the slang library, and the
only excuse that I have for taking so long is that the mess was very
complicated, and not all the details were in my control.

I want to thank Jim Mintha for taking over the slang package in the midst
of this crises. Without his help, I would not be releaseing the package
even now.

All of the major issues have been dealt with, however I wish to discuss
some things in more detail here.

I did the best I could at replacing all the "critical" functionality with
control keys so that ae can function in both a dumb terminal as well as
the full featured console. Because of the limited choices the alphabet
provides, I was not able to convert all the keys to control keys, so the
block, cut, and paste functions, the help key, undo, and case flip are
still controled by the function keys. I am taking suggestions for control
key sequences for these functions, and will do what I can to convert all
of them in the near future.

The vi emulation has also been repaired (for the most part) and should
work in both console and xterm environments. I took the "DISPLAY" method
of deciding whether X was in place or not. This may not work in all
configurations, so please let me know what these configurations are that
don't work correctly.

I have also modified the arrangement of config files in /etc. The default
config file (ae.rc) is found in /etc while the other config files provided
can be found in /etc/ae. These include the console and X config files for
the vi emulation, as well as fn.rc, which is a function key implimentation
of the editor.

For those who want this, instead of the default, there are several ways
to deal with the problem.

The best is to take the config file you like and place it in your home
directory. ae will look there first when looking for a .rc file. I found
this a great way to segregate my test config files from the default during
testing, but it makes a good way to customize ae by user preference as

There are many "little" details in the config files, and while I attempted
to do a "good" round of testing on each file I built, I am only human and
thus prone to mistake. Please take a close look at this new version of ae
and let me know if there are any keys that still don't work in particular

Waiting is,

_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (850) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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