On Thu, May 28, 1998 at 03:47:46PM +0100, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> As root I do "pon whatever" and 3 seconds or later it is connected.
> However, I cannot tell when except by trying it until it works.
> How do I tell when a connection has been negotiated? And how can
> I tell if it has failed? Using PAP for the moment, in case it matters.

plog -f

> Also, is there any way I can run a program that gives me some
> useful stats on he connection (CPS in/out, time been up etc).
> At the moment I am using "pppstats -w 1"

I use pppload swallowed in afterstep's wharf (in X) there is also a window
maker specific program called wmppp.app (not nearly as useful if you ask

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