  I've been installing hamm on a test partition a couple of times and have
some questions now. First, my situation:
1. Nightly running:
wget --mirror -a /root/wget.log -X \

  a. Because I'm running i386, I felt that I wouldn't be needing any of
     those other directories. Correct? I'll d/load from source when the need
  b. Is this a good method of mirroring hamm? So far it has been great except
     for one thing:
       - wget doesn't delete files locally that are no longer on the server.
         Is there a switch for this? (it causes problems later with dselect)

2. Installation
  a. In order to get dselect to behave, I had to make these symlinks:
    (I ran wget from /usr/local/debian)

    In /usr/local/debian/
    1. contrib -> hamm/contrib
    2. non-free -> hamm/non-free
    3. stable -> hamm

    In /usr/local/debian/
    1. Contents.gz -> Contents-i386.gz
    2. binary-i386 -> hamm/binary-i386
    3. binary -> hamm/binary-i386            (don't know whether this one
                                              is needed, just saw it in bo)
    4. Packages -> hamm/Packages

    Is that the correct way to handle things? Or is there a better method
    until hamm goes stable?

  b. Also I had to delete the obsolete (no longer mirrored) files from all
     the directories. Otherwise dselect will stop during the installion.
     Why? Or, is there a way I can tell dselect to ignore the extra files?

  c. Each time I install packages through dselect, it must go through every
     file in the archive and "decide" whether to install it or not. Is there
     a way I can tell dselect to only try to install the files I selected,
     rather than stepping through the whole tree?

I appreciate any feedback!

|- Mike Brownlow ----- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- ----|
|- Prov. 16:9 "A man's heart deviseth his way:   -- Use Linux to learn, -----|
|----- but the Lord directeth his steps." ---- Use Win(NT|9[58]) to forget. -|

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