On Mon, Jun 22, 1998 at 04:22:55AM +1000, Chris wrote:
> Hi all,
> What happened to afterstep?  I just installed afterstep for my newly
> upgraded hamm box, expecting to see my setup just as normal, however it
> appears that afterstep has been replaced with something else - GNUStep.
> To be honest, I'd like the old afterstep back.  Any ideas how I can do
> this?

I'm recompiling the old version for libc6 today if I have the time.  I'll
Debianize it with the package name of afterstep-classic.  I'll post a
location to get the .deb as soon as I have it finished.

If I can find access to a scanner or someone local enough that I can get to
them for key signing (since I cannot drive, it'd end up being that someone
would have to be in Salem, Oregon for for something..) I'll upload the thing
for inclusion in slink.

> Also, is there a way to allow xterm to add utmp entries?  At this point,
> knowing who is logged onto the machine is much more important than the
> machines security for me.

I thought there was a utmp wrapper that did this.. ?

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