On Wed, 8 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > First of all I would like to introduce myself to you as Riaad
> > Isaacs.  I am employed by POS INTERNATIONAL in CAPE TOWN SOUTH
> > AFRICA which distributes your ACCTON Lanstation 586 MMX / PDA 2000 /
> > NC2501-3.
> >
> > I would like to bring it to your attention that I was unable to
> > change the existing network card settings from Base address 6200 and
> > interrupt 11 to anything else.

you haven't really given much information about what the problem is, so
i'm going to make a few guesses.

if it's on io address 0x6200 then it's probably a PCI card. if it's a PCI
card, then the only reason i can think of why you'd want to change the io
(or more likely, the IRQ) is because you have an old ISA card which can't
be changed on that ioport/irq

if this is the case, then the best thing to do is to reboot the machine,
go into the bios, and set IRQ 11 to "Legacy ISA" rather than PCI PNP.
This will prevent the BIOS from allocating that IRQ to a PCI card.

then reboot linux. you may (but probably wont) have to change your
/etc/modules or /etc/conf.modules line telling linux the new IO address
or IRQ of your network card. 

most PCI card drivers in linux auto-detect the io address and IRQ so you
probably wont have to make any software changes.  if this is not the case
for your accton card (i've never heard of them before so have no idea what
they are like), then you can type "cat /proc/pci" to get a listing of pci
cards, and what IRQ they are using. 

hope this helps.

> > I have been getting endless request from our clients to solve this
> > problem.
> >
> > PLEASE;PLEASE;PLEASE can you help !!!!!!!!
> >
> >
> > Thanking you in anticipation.


craig sanders

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